Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Mistress Syndrome

They say that you have no control over who loves you and who you fall in love with. That goes to say that if you want someone at the spur of a moment, you'd jump in not thinking of whether he is married or not. I guess it all depends on how you allow yourself defenseless to casual flirting and crazy "sweet nothings" that men throw over to you merely to try if their charm would work on you.

Most women, no matter how educated and how good mannered, end up as mistresses. This is because these smart females are, by nature, romantic to the core. They would imagine meeting Prince Charming in a ball and after a few exchanges of smiles and stares, end up running away with him to some secluded place. Walk hand in hand with him on the beach, kiss each other under the moonlight.

It is just a crazy cycle. Girl meets boy. Girl finds out they have a lot of things in common. Women are experts in spotting these. Both will play around a bit then end up screwing each other. It's evident now. It's just the libido at work during these times.

One woman who just came out of an abusive relationship with crashed and wounded self esteem would again fall into a trap that she herself created. She ends up always being drawn to the same type of abusive partner. The cycle goes on forever until she realizes that she needs to be aware of the tricks that her own heart plays on her.

Try to build a wall now. Create boundaries. Craft laws and uphold them. Make rules and don't break them. Like a criteria of some sort. If the guy you like doesn't fit in, dump him at once. Never let the small spark turn into a fire.

The best thing to do is to know how they operate, know all of their tricks, and don't let them pull their usual crap on you. Men would normally be very complimentary to play around with the women's emotions. Married men would obviously be more attractive because you can't have them. Once they've gotten you, they will keep juggling two women because men always want to have their cake and eat it too.

Just remember that if they can do it to their wives, they can also do it to you. They will, eventually. If worse comes to worst, they will just ditch you and you will be left lonely, abused and wasted.

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